Greater Books

*Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Oriental* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Utne* *Campbell* *Norway* *Dirda* *Great* *Guardian* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

The Editors of the Salem Press, Recommended Reading: 500 Classics Reviewed [1995]

512 entries: 450 monographical, 62 otherwise

Unranked—arranged alphabetically by work

This book, like Masterpieces of World Literature, is a product of Frank Magill's publishing house, Salem Press. Comparing the two lists, one immediately sees many of the same works in both. But the two books are sufficiently distinct to warrant the inclusion of two lists instead of a combination. Since the creation of Greater Books, this book has been revised as Recommended Reading: 600 Classics Reviewed [2015]. Eventually, an updated version of this list reflecting whatever changes have been made will replace this version.

  1. William Faulkner

  2. Absalom, Absalom!_7
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman*

  3. John Dryden

  4. Absalom and Achitophel_1
    originally published in two volumes, 1681 and 1682; authorship of second is disputed—English

  5. George Eliot

  6. Adam Bede _7
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Hundred* *Read* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  7. Percy Bysshe Shelley

  8. Adonais: An Elegy Upon the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc._2
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  9. Saul Bellow

  10. The Adventures of Augie March_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Smart*

    Mark Twain
  11. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn_23

  12. 1884—English
    *Classics* *Hundred* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  13. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer_7

  14. 1876—English
    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Newman*

  15. Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro)

  16. Aeneid_26
    First Century B C; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Dudley Fitts and Robert Fagles's English translation—Latin
    *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Classics* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *Smart* *Reynolds* *World* *Newman* *Graphic*

  17. Edith Wharton

  18. The Age of Innocence_6
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic*

  19. Ben Jonson

  20. The Alchemist_8
    *Eliot* *Classics* *Rexroth* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

    Lawrence Durrell
  21. Justine_4

  22. 1957—English
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Kanigel*

  23. Balthazar_3

  24. 1958—English
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  25. Mountolive_3

  26. 1958—English
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  27. Clea_3

  28. 1960—English
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  29. Lewis Carroll

  30. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland_17
    *Powys* *Invitation* *France* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Harvard* *Deposit* *Graphic*

  31. Maya Angelou

  32. All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes_1

  33. Erich Maria Remarque

  34. Im Westen Nichts Neues_6
    All Quiet on the Western Front
    originally published Dec. 1928 in Vossische Zeitung—German

    *Hundred* *Learning* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Deposit*

  35. Robert Penn Warren

  36. All the King's Men_5
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Zane* *Smart*

  37. William Shakespeare

  38. All's Well That Ends Well_8
    ca. 1606-08—English
    *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  39. Henry James

  40. The Ambassadors_12
    originally published serially 1903 in the North American Review—English
    *Powys* *Classics* *Read* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman*

  41. Theodore Dreiser

  42. An American Tragedy_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Smart*

  43. Euripides

  44. Andromache _4
    ca. 428-25 B.C—Greek
    *Ward* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  45. Jean Racine

  46. Andromaque_6
    *Classics* *Read* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Great* *Newman*

  47. George Orwell

  48. Animal Farm_8
    *Van Doren* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Smart* *Graphic*

  49. Eugene O'Neill

  50. Anna Christie_1

  51. Leo Tolstoy

  52. Anna Karenina_20
    published in part serially 1873-7 in Rússkij Véstnik; in its entirety, 1877; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky's English translation—Russian
    *Eliot* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Utne* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  53. Sophocles

  54. Antigone_22
    ca. 441 B.C—Greek
    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Campbell* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *World* *Newman*

  55. William Shakespeare

  56. Antony and Cleopatra_13
    ca. 1606-08—English
    *Invitation* *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Zane* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  57. John O'Hara

  58. Appointment at Samarra_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  59. Kitab alf Laylah Wa-Laylah_17

  60. The Thousand and One Nights; The Arabian Nights
    Ninth-Fifteenth centuries; Taylor specifies Richard Burton's version—Arabic

    *Lubock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *France* *Downs* *Ward* *Magill* *Oriental* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Taylor*

  61. John Milton

  62. Areopagitica; A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, to the Parliament of England_12
    *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  63. Sinclair Lewis

  64. Arrowsmith_3
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel*

  65. William Faulkner

  66. As I Lay Dying_8
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Campbell* *Zane* *Newman*

  67. William Shakespeare

  68. As You Like It_12
    *Durant* *Hundred* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  69. T S Eliot

  70. Ash Wednesday_7
    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *GlobeMail* *Newman*

  71. Bernard Malamud

  72. The Assistant_2
    *Recommended* *Smart*

  73. Kate Chopin

  74. The Awakening_5
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Zane* *Graphic*

  75. Sinclair Lewis

  76. Babbitt_5
    *Hundred* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  77. Euripides

  78. Bakchai _14
    The Bacchae
    405 B.C—Greek

    *Eliot* *Powys* *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *O'Hear*

  79. Carson McCullers

  80. The Ballad of the Sad Cafe_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  81. Pär Lagerkvist

  82. Barrabas_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  83. Anthony Trollope

  84. Barchester Towers_4
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Telegraph*

  85. Ellen Glasgow

  86. Barren Ground_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  87. Ben Jonson
    Bartholomew Fayre_5
    *Classics* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Recommended* *Newman*

    • Herman Melville

  88. 'Bartleby, the Scrivener'_2
    originally published serially Nov.-Dec. 1853 in Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art; included in Piazza Tales, 1856—English
    *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  89. John Gay

  90. The Beggar's Opera_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  91. Sylvia Plath

  92. The Bell Jar_5
    *Ward* *Recommended* *Guardian* *Harvard* *Graphic*

  93. Toni Morrison

  94. Beloved_9
    *Recommended* *Trinity* *Utne* *Norway* *Great* *Telegraph* *Zane* *Harvard* *Deposit*

  95. Beowulf_14

  96. ca. Eighth-Eleventh centuries; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Seamus Heaney's modern English version—English
    *Eliot* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Dirda* *Great* *Smart* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

    Christopher Isherwood
  97. Mr. Norris Changes Trains_3

  98. 1936—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  99. Goodbye to Berlin_4

  100. 1939—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Deposit*

  101. The Bible_17

  102. Downs also lists John Wycliffe's 1382 English translation of the Vulgate; Bloom, Dirda, and the Globe and Mail specify the King James Version, translated 1604-11 to English from the Hebrew and Aramaic (Old Testament) and the Greek (New Testament), revised 1769 by Benjamin Blayney—Hebrew; Aramaic; Greek
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Dirda* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *World*

  103. Herman Melville

  104. Billy Budd, Foretopman_9
    Billy Budd, Sailor (An Inside Narrative)

    *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Campbell* *Newman*

  105. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  106. Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions_7
    originally published in two volumes, 1817—English
    *Invitation* *Classics* *Read* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

  107. Aristophanes

  108. Ornithes_13
    The Birds
    414 B.C—Greek

    *Downs* *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Educated*

  109. Richard Wright

  110. Black Boy_3
    originally published in two volumes: Black Boy, 1945; American Hunger, published in part serially, in its entirety, 1977—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  111. Charles Dickens

  112. Bleak House_7
    originally published serially Mar. 1852-Sep. 1853—English
    *Classics* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Guardian* *Zane* *Newman*

  113. Cormac McCarthy
    Blood Merdian or The Evening Redness in the West_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Zane* *Graphic*

    • Stephan Crane

  114. 'The Blue Hotel'_2
    originally published serially Nov.-Dec. 1898 in Collier's Weekly; included in The Monster and Other Stories, 1899—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  115. Henry James

  116. The Bostonians_4
    originally published serially in the Century Magazine, 1885-86—English
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  117. James Boswell

  118. London Journal_5
    written 1762-63—English
    *Read* *Ward* *Recommended* *Smart* *Graphic*

  119. Aldous Huxley
    Brave New World_9
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Great* *Guardian* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Graphic*

    • Stephan Crane

  120. 'The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky'_1
    originally published 1898 in McClure's; included in The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, 1898—English

  121. Evelyn Waugh

  122. Brideshead Revisited, The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder_3
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Guardian*

  123. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  124. Brat'â Karamazovy_23
    The Brothers Karamazov
    originally published serially 1880 in Rússkij Véstnik—Russian

    *Powys* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Rexroth* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Norway* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Reynolds* *World* *Newman*

  125. Jack London

  126. The Call of the Wild_3
    originally published serially 1903 in the Saturday Evening Post—English
    *Recommended* *Campbell* *Deposit*

  127. George Bernard Shaw

  128. Candida_3
    published in 1898 as part of Plays Pleasant; originally performed 1903—English
    *Hundred* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  129. Voltaire

  130. Candide, ou L'Optimisme_23
    1759; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Tobias Smollett's English translation—French
    *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *Zane* *Smart* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic*

  131. Geoffrey Chaucer

  132. Canterbury Tales_30
    1478; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Nevill Coghill's modern English version—English
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Hundred* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Reynolds* *World* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  133. Ezra Pound

  134. Cantos_7
    published in part in Poetry, Jun.-Aug. 1917; the Criterion, Jul. 1923; the Transatlantic Review, Jan. 1924; and in the following volumes: The Fourth Canto, 1919; A Draft of XVI Cantos, 1925; A Draft of Cantos 17-27, 1928; A Draft of XXX Cantos, 1930; Eleven New Cantos XXXI-XLI, 1934; The Fifth Decad of Cantos, 1937; Cantos LII-LXXI, 1940; The Pisan Cantos, 1948; Seventy Cantos, 1950; Section: Rock-Drill, 85-95 de los Cantares, 1955; Thrones: 96-109 de los Cantares, 1959; Drafts and Fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII, 1968; in its entirety, revised and expanded, 1987—English
    *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Newman*

  135. Rudyard Kipling
    Captains Courageous_1
    originally published serially 1896-97 in McClure's—English

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  136. 'The Cask of Amontillado'_2
    originally published Nov. 1846 in Godey's Lady Book—English
    *Ward* *Recommended*

  137. Franz Kafka

  138. Das Schloss_9
    The Castle

    *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Smart* *Newman*

  139. Tennessee Williams

  140. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof_1

  141. Joseph Heller

  142. Catch-22_10
    *List* *Learning* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Deposit*

  143. J D Salinger

  144. Catcher in the Rye_8
    *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Guardian* *Zane* *Taylor* *Graphic*

  145. Kurt Vonnegut
    Cat's Cradle_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Harvard*

    • Mark Twin

    'The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County'_3
    originally entitled 'Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog', published Nov. 1865 in the Saturday Press; retitled and revised for inclusion in the Californian, Dec. 1865—English
    *Eliot* *Classics* *Recommended*

    • E M Forster

  146. 'The Celestial Omnibus'_1

  147. John Updike

  148. The Centaur_1
    published in part in Esquire and the New Yorker; in its entirety, 1963—English

  149. Stendhal

  150. Le Chartreuse de Parme_12
    The Charterhouse of Parma

    *Classics* *France* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Zane* *Newman*

  151. Anton Chekhov

  152. Višhnëvyj Sad_8
    The Cherry Orchard

    *Classics* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Newman* *Educated*

  153. Lord Byron

  154. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage_5
    *Lubbock* *Classics* *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman*

  155. Charles Dickens

  156. A Christmas Carol_7
    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Guardian* *Taylor* *Newman*

  157. Pierre Corneille
    Le Cid_7
    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Newman*

    • Henry David Thoreau

  158. 'Civil Disobedience'_7
    originally published 1849 as part of Aesthetic Papers—English
    *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith*

  159. Samuel Richardson
    Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady_5
    *Classics* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Zane* *Newman*

    • Ernest Hemingway

  160. 'A Clean, Well-Lighted Place'_3
    originally published 1933 in Scribner's; included in Winner Take Nothing, 1933—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman*

  161. Alice Walker

  162. The Color Purple_3
    *Recommended* *Campbell* *Guardian*

  163. William Shakespeare

  164. The Comedy of Errors_8
    *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  165. Augustine of Hippo

  166. Confessionum Libri Tredecim_23
    The Confessions of St. Augustine
    written 397-98—Latin

    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *O'Hear* *GlobeMail* *Telegraph* *Reynolds* *Newman* *Educated*

  167. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  168. Les Confessions_14
    *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *France* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Newman* *Educated*

  169. Mark Twain

  170. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  171. Boethius

  172. Consolatio Philosophiae_5
    The Consolations of Philosophy
    written ca. 524—Latin

    *Classics* *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Reynolds*

  173. André Gide

  174. Les Faux-Monnayeurs_3
    originally published 1925 in Nouvelle Revue Française—French
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity*

  175. Sarah Orne Jewett

  176. The Country of the Pointed Firs_2
    originally published serially 1896 in the Atlantic Monthly—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  177. William Wycherley

  178. The Country Wife_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  179. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  180. Prestuplénie i Nakazániye_23
    Crime and Punishment
    originally published serially Jan.-Dec. 1866 in Rússkij Véstnik; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky's English translation—Russian

    *Eliot* *Powys* *Classics* *France* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  181. Immanuel Kant

  182. Kritik der Reinen Vernunft_12
    Critique of Pure Reason
    1781; revised 1787—German

    *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *GlobeMail* *World*

  183. Arthur Miller

  184. The Crucible_3
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell*

  185. Alan Paton

  186. Cry, the Beloved Country_1

  187. Thomas Pynchon

  188. The Crying of Lot 49_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

  189. Edmond Rostand

  190. Cyrano de Bergerac_3
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  191. Henry James

  192. Daisy Miller_2
    originally published serially Jun.-Jul. 1878 in Cornhill Magazine—English
    *Recommended* *Campbell*

  193. Ray Bradbury
    Dandelion Wine_1
    published in part, Jun. 1953, in Gourmet; in its entirety, 1957—English

    • William Saroyan

  194. 'The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze'_1
    originally published 1934 in Story—English

  195. Charles Dickens

  196. The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account)_15
    originally published serially May 1849-Nov. 1850—English
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Classics* *Magill* *Read* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Zane* *Telegraph* *Newman*

  197. Nikolai Gogol

  198. Mërtvyâ Duši_11
    Dead Souls

    *Classics* *France* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Harvard* *Newman*

  199. Willa Cather

  200. Death Comes for the Archbishop_4
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Dirda*

  201. James Agee

  202. A Death in the Family_3
    *Recommended* *Zane* *Smart*

  203. Thomas Mann

  204. Der Tod in Venedig_8
    Death in Venice

    *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Graphic*

  205. Arthur Miller

  206. Death of a Salesman_6
    *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Educated*

  207. Leo Tolstoy

  208. Smert' Ivana Il'icha_5
    The Death of Ivan Ilyich

    *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Foundation* *Norway*

  209. Giovanni Boccaccio

  210. Il Decameron, Cognominato Prencipe Galeotto_12
    ca. 1351-53—Italian
    *Downs* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Newman*

  211. James Fenimore Cooper

  212. The Deerslayer: or, The First Warpath_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  213. Herman Hesse

  214. Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend_1
    originally entitled Demian: Die Geschichte Einer Jugend, published 1919 under the pseudonym, Emil Sinclair—German

  215. Alexis de Tocqueville

  216. De la Démocratie en Amérique_12
    Democracy in America
    originally published in two volumes, 1835 and 1840—French

    *Downs* *Read* *Adler* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Trinity* *Great* *Telegraph* *Reynolds* *Educated*

  217. Charles Darwin

  218. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex_4
    *Durant* *Read* *Adler* *Recommended*

  219. Eugene O'Neill

  220. Desire Under the Elms_1

  221. Apologia Socratis_16

  222. The Apology
    early Fourth Century B.C—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Campbell* *Great* *O'Hear*

  223. Crito_13

  224. early Fourth Century B.C—Greek
    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Downs* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Campbell* *O'Hear*

  225. Phaedo_14
    early Fourth Century B.C—Greek
    *Lubbock* *Durant* *Eliot* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *O'Hear*

    • Nikolai Gogol

  226. 'Zapiski Sumasšedšego'_2
    'The Diary of a Madman'

    *Recommended* *Newman*

  227. Anne Frank

  228. Het Achterhuis. Dagboekbrieven 14 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944_4
    The Diary of a Young Girl

    *Recommended* *Campbell* *Harvard* *Deposit*

  229. Dante

  230. La Divina Commedia_33
    The Divine Comedy
    originally entitled La Commedia; written ca. 1308-21—Italian

    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *France* *Downs* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Telegraph* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *World* *Newman* *Graphic*

  231. Christopher Marlowe

  232. The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus_10
    *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Dirda* *Newman* *Educated*

  233. Robert Louis Stevenson

  234. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde_7
    *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Zane* *Newman* *Graphic*

  235. Boris Pasternak

  236. Dóktor Živágo_5
    Doctor Zhivago
    Italian translation, 1957; original Russian, 1958—Russian

    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Telegraph*

  237. Henrik Ibsen

  238. Et Dukkehjem_14
    A Doll's House

    *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Newman* *Educated*

  239. Lord Byron (George Gordon, Lord Byron)

  240. Don Juan_8
    originally published in six volumes: Jul. 1819; Aug. 1821; Jul. 1823; Aug. 1823; Dec. 1823; Mar. 1824—English
    *Classics* *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Zane* *Newman*

  241. Miguel de Cervantes

  242. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha_37
    Don Quixote
    originally published in two volumes, 1605 and 1615; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Edith Grossman's English translation—Spanish

    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  243. Bram Stoker

  244. Dracula_6
    *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Guardian*

  245. James Joyce

  246. Dubliners_10
    *Classics* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman*

  247. Alexander Pope

  248. The Dunciad_2
    originally anonymously published 1728; revised through fourth edition, 1743—English
    *Recommended* *Dirda*

  249. Frank Herbert

  250. Dune_2
    *Recommended* *Guardian*

  251. John Steinbeck
    East of Eden_3
    *Recommended* *Magill* *Zane*

    • William Butler Yeats

  252. 'Easter, 1916'_2
    published separately 1916, in the New Statesman, Oct. 1920, and the Dial, Nov. 1920; included in Michael Robertes and the Dancer, 1920—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended*

  253. Henry Adams
    The Education of Henry Adams_11
    *Durant* *Invitation* *Hundred* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Foundation* *Fadiman* *Kanigel*

    • Irwin Shaw

  254. 'The Eighty-Yard Run'_1

  255. Euripides

  256. Ēlektra _7
    written ca. 413 B.C—Greek

    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great*

  257. Jane Austen

  258. Emma_11
    originally anonymously published 1815—English
    *Read* *List* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Guardian* *Zane* *Newman*

  259. Henrik Ibsen
    En Folkefiende_5
    An Enemy of the People

    *Classics* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

    • John Cheever

  260. 'The Enormous Radio'_1
    originally published May 1947 in the New Yorker; included in The Enormous Radio and Other Stories, 1953—English

  261. Sha Naqba Imuru_11

  262. The Epic of Gilgamesh; He Who Saw the Deep
    Eighteenth-Tenth centuries B.C—Sumerian; Akkadian

    *Rexroth* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Norway* *Great* *Graphic* *Educated*

  263. Peter Shaffer

  264. Equus_3
    *Recommended* *Trinity* *Educated*

  265. Alexander Pope

  266. Essay on Man_5
    *Lubbock* *Read* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  267. Michel de Montaigne
    Les Essais_26
    originally published in three volumes: 1580, 1588, and 1595—French

    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *Invitation* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *GlobeMail* *World* *Newman* *Educated*

    • E M Forster

  268. 'The Eternal Moment'_1

  269. Edith Wharton

  270. Ethan Frome_5
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Newman*

  271. Aristotle

  272. Ethika Nikomacheia_16
    Nicomachean Ethics
    Fourth Century B C—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Reynolds*

  273. Baruch Spinoza

  274. Ethica, Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata_15

    *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Dirda* *Deposit*

  275. Alexander Pushkin
    Evgénij Onegin_7
    Eugene Onegin
    published in part serially 1825-32; in its entirety, 1833; revised 1837—Russian

    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Great* *Newman*

    • John Keats

  276. 'The Eve of St. Agnes'_3
    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  277. The Somonyng of Everyman_4

  278. late Fifteenth Century—English
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Educated*

  279. Edmund Spenser

  280. The Faerie Queene_8
    originally published in two volumes, 1590 and 1596—English
    *Lubbock* *Read* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Reynolds* *Newman* *Graphic*

  281. Ray Bradbury

  282. Fahrenheit 451_2
    published in part, Feb. 1951, as 'The Fireman' in Galaxy Science Fiction; in its entirety, 1953—English
    *Recommended* *Deposit*

  283. Albert Camus
    La Chute_3
    The Fall

    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  284. 'The Fall of the House of Usher'_5
    originally published Sep. 1839 in Burton's Gentleman's Magazine; revised for inclusion in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1840—English
    *Eliot* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  285. Thomas Hardy

  286. Far From the Madding Crowd_5
    originally anonymously published serially in Cornhill Magazine, Jan.-Dec. 1874; revised 1895 and 1901—English
    *Powys* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Guardian* *Newman*

  287. Ernest Hemingway

  288. A Farewell to Arms_6
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Smart* *Newman*

  289. Honoré de Balzac

  290. Le Père Goriot_14
    Father Goriot
    originally published serially Dec. 1834-Feb. 1835 in Revue de Paris—French

    *Eliot* *Powys* *Durant* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Newman*

  291. Ivan Turgenev

  292. Otcy i Deti_11
    Fathers and Children; Fathers and Sons
    originally published Feb. 1862 in Rússkij Véstnik—Russian

    *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Newman*

  293. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  294. Faust_27
    originally published in two volumes: first, Faust. Der Tragödie Erster Teil, published in part, 1790; in its entirey, 1808; revised 1829; second, Faust. Der Tragödie Zweiter Teil, 1832—German
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Powys* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *GlobeMail* *World* *Newman*

  295. Sǿren Kierkegaard

  296. Frygt og Baeven_3
    Fear and Trembling
    originally published under the pseudonym, Johannes de Silentio, 1843—Danish

    *Adler* *Recommended* *Great*

  297. Jorge Luis Borges

  298. Ficciones_6
    originally entitled El Jardín de Senderos que se Bifurcan, published 1941; expanded 1944 and 1956—Spanish
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway* *GlobeMail* *Harvard*

  299. James Joyce

  300. Finnegans Wake_5
    *Classics* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  301. James Baldwin

  302. The Fire Next Time_4
    originally published Dec. 1962 as 'Letter From a Region in My Mind', in the Progressive; and Nov. 1963 as 'Down at the Cross', in the New Yorker—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Utne*

  303. Alexander Solzhenitsyn
    V Kruge Pervom_3
    In the First Circle
    1968; expanded 1978—Russian

    *Read* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

    • John Cheever

  304. 'The Five-Forty-Eight'_1
    originally published in the New Yorker; included in The Housebreaker of Shady Hill and Other Stories, 1959—English

  305. Bernard Malamud

  306. The Fixer_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  307. Charles Baudelaire
    Les Fleurs du Mal_8
    The Flowers of Evil

    *France* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Great* *Newman*

    • J D Salinger

  308. 'For Esmé—In Love and Squalor'_1
    originally published Apr. 1950 in the New Yorker; included in Nine Stories, 1953—English

  309. Robert Lowell

  310. For the Union Dead_1

  311. Ernest Hemingway

  312. For Whom the Bell Tolls_7
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Zane* *Harvard* *Telegraph* *Newman*

    John Galsworthy
  313. The Man of Property_4

  314. 1906—English
    *Powys* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

  315. Indian Summer of a Forsyte_3

  316. 1918—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

  317. In Chancery_3

  318. 1920—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

  319. Awakening_3

  320. 1920—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

  321. To Let_3

  322. 1921—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

  323. T S Eliot

  324. Four Quartets_10
    originally published in four volumes: Burnt Norton, in Collected Poems 1909-1935, 1936; East Coker, in the New English Weekly, 1940; The Dry Salvages, in the New English Weekly, 1941; Little Gidding, in the New English Weekly, 1942—English
    *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *GlobeMail* *Newman*

  325. Mary Shelley

  326. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus_12
    originally anonymously published 1818—English
    *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Dirda* *Great* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Graphic* *Deposit*

  327. J D Salinger

  328. Franny and Zooey_3
    1961; 'Franny' originally published Jan. 1955 in the New Yorker; 'Zooey' originally published May 1957 in the New Yorker—English
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Deposit*

  329. John Fowles

  330. The French Lieutenant's Woman_2
    *Van Doren* *Recommended*

  331. Émile Zola

  332. Germinal_10
    originally published serially in Gil Blas Apr. 1884-Jan. 1885—French
    *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Newman*

  333. Henrik Ibsen

    *Classics* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Newman*

    • O Henry

  334. 'The Gift of the Magi'_1
    originally entitled 'Gifts of the Magi', published December 1905 in the New York Sunday World; included in The Four Million, 1906—English

  335. J P Donleavy

  336. The Ginger Man_1

  337. Tennessee Williams

  338. The Glass Menagerie_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell*

  339. James Baldwin
    Go Tell It on the Mountain_2
    *Recommended* *Smart*

    • Flannery O'Connor

  340. 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'_2
    originally published 1953 in Modern Writing I; included in A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories, 1955—English
    *Recommended* *Trinity*

  341. Ford Madox Ford

  342. The Good Soldier_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Zane*

  343. Doris Lessing

  344. The Good Terrorist_1

  345. John Steinbeck

  346. The Grapes of Wrath_11
    *Hundred* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Zane* *Deposit* *Graphic*

  347. Thomas Pynchon

  348. Gravity's Rainbow_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Graphic*

  349. Charles Dickens

  350. Great Expectations_15
    originally published serially Dec. 1860-Aug. 1861 in All the Year Round—English
    *Classics* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman*

  351. F Scott Fitzgerald

  352. The Great Gatsby_17
    *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Zane* *Great* *Guardian* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  353. Knut Hamsun

  354. Markens Grøde_1
    Growth of the Soil
    originally published in two volumes, 1917—Norwegian


  355. Jonathan Swift

  356. Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and Then a Captain of Several Ships_29
    Gulliver's Travels
    1726; revised 1735—English

    *Lubbock* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  357. William Shakespeare

  358. Hamlet_27
    *Eliot* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *Downs* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *O'Hear* *Zane* *Taylor* *Harvard* *World* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  359. Evelyn Waugh

  360. A Handful of Dust_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  361. Joseph Conrad

  362. Heart of Darkness_16
    originally published serially Feb.-Apr. 1899 in Blackwood's—English
    *Magill* *Adler* *Learning* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman* *Graphic* *Deposit* *Educated*

  363. Henrik Ibsen

  364. Hedda Gabler_10
    *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Newman*

    William Shakespeare
  365. The First Part of Henry IV_13

  366. 1597—English
    *Durant* *Classics* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  367. The Second Part of Henry IV_12

  368. 1600—English
    *Durant* *Classics* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  369. Henry V_9

  370. 1599—English
    *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *O'Hear* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  371. Euripides

  372. Hippolytos _11
    428 B.C—Greek
    *Eliot* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  373. Nathaniel Hawthorne

  374. The House of Seven Gables_7
    *Baldwin* *Classics* *Zulli* *Magill* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Newman*

  375. Isabel Allende

  376. La Casa de los Espíritus_2
    The House of Spirits

    *Recommended* *Trinity*

  377. Saul Bellow

  378. Humboldt's Gift_3
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Smart*

  379. Victor Hugo

  380. Notre-Dame de Paris_8
    The Hunchback of Notre Dame

    *Eliot* *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Newman*

  381. Knut Hamsun
    published in part, 1888, in Ny Jord; in its entirety, 1890—Norwegian

    *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway*

    • John Keats

  382. 'Hyperion'_2
    part of Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  383. Eugene O'Neill

  384. The Iceman Cometh_4
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  385. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  386. Idiot_11
    originally published serially 1868-9 in Rússkij Véstnik—Russian
    *Powys* *Classics* *France* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway* *Deposit* *Newman*

  387. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  388. Idylls of the King_2
    published in parts, 1859-85—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  389. Homer

  390. Iliad_33
    ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B.C; Cowan and Guinness ("Trinity") specifiy Richard Lattimore's English translation; Mallison ("Smart") notes Derek Jacobi's modern aural version—Greek
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Classics* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  391. Oscar Wilde

  392. The Importance of Being Earnest_8
    *Powys* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Smart* *Trinity* *Newman* *Educated*

  393. Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  394. In Memoriam A H H_3
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  395. William Carlos Williams

  396. In the American Grain_1

  397. Ralph Ellison

  398. Invisible Man_12
    *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Utne* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Educated*

  399. Charlotte Brontë

  400. Jane Eyre: An Autobiography_16
    originally published under the pseudonym, Currer Bell, 1847—English
    *Zulli* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  401. Henry Fielding

  402. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend, Mr. Abraham Abrams_6
    *Classics* *Zulli* *Read* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  403. Thomas Hardy

  404. Jude the Obscure_8
    originally published serially Dec. 1894-Nov. 1895 in Harper's New Monthly Magazine—English
    *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Great* *Guardian* *Smart* *Newman*

  405. William Shakespeare

  406. Julius Caesar_9
    *Durant* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  407. Upton Sinclair

  408. The Jungle_5
    originally published serially in Appeal to Reason, Feb.-Nov. 1905—English
    *Hundred* *Learning* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell*

    Rudyard Kipling
  409. The Jungle Book_4

  410. 1894—English
    *Powys* *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman*

  411. The Second Jungle Book_3

  412. 1895—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman*

  413. Robert Louis Stevenson

  414. Kidnapped_3
    originally published serially May-Jul. 1886 in Young Folks—English
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  415. Rudyard Kipling

  416. Kim_6
    originally published serially Dec. 1900-Oct. 1901 in McClure's and Jan. 1901-Oct. 1901 in Cassell's—English
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Kanigel* *Dirda* *Newman*

  417. William Shakespeare
    King Lear_21
    *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *World* *Newman* *Graphic*

    • Anton Chekhov

  418. 'Poceluj'_1
    'The Kiss'


  419. Sigrid Undset
    Kristin Lavransdatter_3
    originally published in three volumes: Kransen, 1920; Husfrue, 1921; Korset, 1922; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Tiina Nunnally's English translation—Norwegian
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart*

    • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  420. 'Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream'_4
    originally published in Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision in a Dream; The Pains of Sleep, 1816—English
    *Read* *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

  421. D H Lawrence

  422. Lady Chatterley's Lover_4
    abridged version, 1928; complete work, 1960—English
    *Recommended* *Taylor* *Newman* *Graphic*

  423. Oscar Wilde

  424. Lady Windmere's Fan, A Play About a Good Woman_3
    *Ward* *Recommended* *Newman*

  425. James Fenimore Cooper

  426. The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757_3
    *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended*

  427. Nikos Kazantzakis

  428. The Last Temptation of Christ_1

  429. Walt Whitman
    Leaves of Grass_20
    1855; expanded and revised through ninth edition, 1892—English
    *Powys* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *World* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

    • William Butler Yeats

    'Leda and the Swan'_2
    originally published Jun. 1924 in the Dial and Aug. 1924 in To-Morrow; also published as 'Leda' in the first version of A Vision, 1926; included in The Cat and the Moon and Certain Poems, 1924; that book (except the play, The Cat and the Moon) made part of The Tower, 1928—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended*

    • Washington Irving

  430. 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'_4
    part of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., published serially Jun. 1819-Jul. 1820, expanded 1848
    *Eliot* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  431. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

  432. Il Gattopardo_5
    The Leopard
    1958; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Archibald Colquhoun's English translation—Italian

    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Zane* *Smart*

  433. James Agee

  434. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men_6
    1941; photography by Walker Evans—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Utne* *Dirda* *Smart* *Deposit*

  435. Pedro Calderón de la Barca

  436. La Vida es Sueño_8
    Life Is a Dream

    *Eliot* *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Great*

  437. James Boswell
    The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D._21
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Newman*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  438. 'Ligeia'_2
    originally published Sep. 1838 in the American Museum; revised for inclusion in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1840; Phantasy Pieces, 1842; Tales by Edgar Allan Poe, 1845; the New York World, Feb. 1845; and the Broadway Journal, Sep. 1845—English
    *Magill* *Recommended*

  439. William Faulkner

  440. Light in August_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Newman*

  441. John Hawkes
    The Lime Twig_1

    • William Wordsworth

  442. 'Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, July 13, 1798'_3
    originally published in Lyrical Ballads, 1798—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  443. Louisa M Alcott

  444. Little Women_6
    originally published in two volumes: Little Women, 1868; and Good Wives, 1869—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Guardian* *Smart* *Harvard* *Graphic*

  445. Plutarch

  446. Bìoi Paràllēloi_18
    Parallel Lives; Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
    First Century—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Educated*

  447. Samuel Johnson

  448. Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets_6
    The Lives of the Poets
    published in part, 1744, as An Account of the Life of Mr. Richard Strange, Son of the Earl Rivers; published in ten volumes, first-fifth in 1779 and sixth-tenth in 1781, as part of a larger set, The Works of the English Poets; published indepdently in six volumes, retitled The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; With Critical Observations on Their Works, 1781—English

    *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Newman*

  449. Vladimir Nabokov

  450. Lolita_11
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Harvard* *Deposit* *Graphic*

  451. Eugene O'Neill

  452. Long Day's Journey Into Night_8
    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Educated*

  453. Thomas Wolfe

  454. Look Homeward, Angel_2
    *Recommended* *Kanigel*

  455. Joseph Conrad

  456. Lord Jim_6
    originally published serially Oct. 1899-Nov. 1900 in Blackwood's Magazine—English
    *Powys* *France* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Newman*

  457. William Golding

  458. Lord of the Flies_6
    *Learning* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Graphic*

  459. J R R Tolkien
    The Lord of the Rings_6
    published in three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King, 1954-55—English
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Telegraph* *Harvard*

    • Shirley Jackson

    'The Lottery'_1
    originally published Jun. 1948 in the New Yorker—English

    • T S Eliot

    'The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock'_4
    originally published Jun. 1915 in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse; included in Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

    • Bret Harte

  460. 'The Luck of Roaring Camp'_2
    originally published Aug. 1868 in Overland Monthly—English
    *Eliot* *Recommended*

  461. Aristophanes

  462. Lysistrate_13
    411 B C—Greek

    *Classics* *Downs* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Newman* *Graphic*

  463. William Shakespeare

  464. Macbeth_16
    ca. 1607—English
    *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Zane* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  465. Gustave Flaubert

  466. Madame Bovary_29
    originally published serially Oct. 1856-Dec. 1856 in La Revue de Paris; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Frances Steegmuller's English translation—French
    *Classics* *Durant* *Hundred* *France* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  467. Stephen Crane

  468. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets_2
    1893; revised 1896—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  469. Thomas Mann

  470. Der Zauberberg_12
    The Magic Mountain
    1924; Mallison ("Smart") specifies John E Woods's English translation—German

    *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Smart*

  471. John Fowles

  472. The Magus_2
    1966; revised 1977—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended*

  473. Sinclair Lewis

  474. Main Street: The Story of Carol Kennicott_2
    *Magill* *Recommended*

  475. George Bernard Shaw

  476. Major Barbara_4
    *Read* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  477. Dashiell Hammett

  478. The Maltese Falcon_4
    *Recommended* *Dirda* *Telegraph* *Graphic*

  479. George Bernard Shaw

  480. Man and Superman_7
    performed in part, 1905; in its entirety, 1915—English
    *Powys* *Classics* *Hundred* *Read* *Ward* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  481. Lord Byron

  482. Manfred_3
    *Classics* *Eliot* *Recommended*

  483. André Malraux

  484. La Condition Humaine_5
    Man's Fate

    *France* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Dirda*

  485. Jane Austen

  486. Mansfield Park_4
    originally anonymously published 1814—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

  487. Ray Bradbury
    The Martian Chronicles_2
    1950; stories originally published in varied periodicals: Planet Stories, Maclean's, the Arkham Sampler, Thrilling Wonder Stories, Imagination, Weird Tales, Other Worlds, Super Science Stories, Charm, and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; expanded U K edition, entitled Silver Locusts, published 1951; expanded 1974; revised 1997—English
    *Recommended* *Kanigel*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  488. 'The Masque of the Red Death'_2
    originally entitled 'The Mask of the Red Death', published May 1842 in Graham's Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine; retitled and revised for publication in the Broadway Journal, Jul. 1845—English
    *Recommended* *Graphic*

  489. Thomas Hardy

  490. The Mayor of Casterbridge: The Life and Death of a Man of Character_6
    *Powys* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Newman*

  491. William Shakespeare

  492. Measure for Measure_10
    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  493. Carson McCullers

  494. The Member of the Wedding_1

  495. William Shakespeare

  496. The Merchant of Venice_11
    ca. 1596-98—English
    *Durant* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  497. Ovid

  498. Metamorphoseon_14
    8; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Charles Martin's English translation—Latin

    *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Norway* *Dirda* *Great* *O'Hear* *Smart* *World* *Newman*

  499. Franz Kafka

  500. Die Verwandlung_14
    The Metamorphosis
    originally published 1915 in Die Weißen Blätter; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Stanley Corngold's English translation—German

    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Norway* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Newman* *Graphic* *Deposit*

  501. Charles Johnson

  502. Middle Passage_1

  503. George Eliot

  504. Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life _22
    originally published serially Dec. 1871-Dec. 1872—English
    *Baldwin* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Telegraph* *Harvard* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic*

  505. William Shakespeare

  506. A Midsummer Night's Dream_14
    ca. 1595-1600—English
    *Durant* *Hundred* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  507. George Eliot

  508. The Mill on the Floss _6
    *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

  509. Molière

  510. Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire Amoureux_13
    The Misanthrope

    *Durant* *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Trinity* *Great* *Newman*

  511. Victor Hugo

  512. Les Misérables_18
    *Baldwin* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Guardian* *Harvard* *World* *Newman* *Graphic* *Deposit*

  513. August Strindberg

  514. Fröken Julie_5
    Miss Julie
    written 1888—Swedish

    *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  515. Virginia Woolf

  516. Mrs. Dalloway_11
    published in part, Jul. 1923, as 'Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street', in the Dial; in its entirety, 1925—English
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman* *Educated*

  517. Herman Melville

  518. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale_26
    *Classics* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Guardian* *Zane* *Great* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic* *Deposit* *Educated*

  519. Jonathan Swift

  520. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public_6
    originally anonymously published 1729—English
    *Read* *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Smart* *Newman* *Graphic*

  521. Daniel Defoe

  522. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders_8
    *Invitation* *Classics* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Smart* *Newman*

  523. Wilkie Collins

  524. The Moonstone_3
    originally published serially 1868 in All the Year Round—English
    *Zulli* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  525. Thomas Malory

  526. Le Morte d'Arthur_13
    1485; revised through sixth edition, 1634—English
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Hundred* *Rexroth* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Telegraph* *Great* *Newman* *Graphic*

  527. William Shakespeare

  528. Much Ado About Nothing_10
    ca. 1598-99—English
    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *Reynolds* *World* *Newman*

  529. T S Eliot
    Murder in the Cathedral_4
    *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Recommended* *Educated*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

    'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'_5
    originally published Apr. 1841 in Graham's Magazine; revised for inclusion in The Prose Romances of Edgar A Poe, 1843—English
    *Ward* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Telegraph* *Newman*

    • W H Auden

  530. 'Musée des Beaux Arts'_1
    originally entitled 'Palais des Beaux Arts', published Spring 1939 in New Writing; retitled for inclusion in Another Time, 1940; included in Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957, 1966, and Collected Poems, 1976—English

  531. Willa Cather

  532. My Ántonia_8
    *Hundred* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Dirda* *Smart*

  533. Anne Radcliffe

  534. The Mysteries of Udolpho_1

  535. Richard Wright

  536. Native Son_8
    *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Kanigel* *Zane* *Educated*

  537. Bernard Malamud

  538. The Natural_1

  539. Jean-Paul Sartre

  540. La Nausée_7

    *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Graphic*

  541. Charles Dickens

  542. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby _5
    originally published serially Mar. 1838-Sep. 1839 under the pseudonym, Boz—English
    *Baldwin* *Classics* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  543. George Orwell

  544. Nineteen Eighty-Four_17
    *Van Doren* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Graphic* *Educated*

  545. Jean-Paul Sartre

  546. Huis Clos_6
    No Exit

    *Read* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Educated*

  547. Jane Austen

  548. Northanger Abbey_2
    originally anonymously published 1817—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  549. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  550. Zapaski iz Podpol'â_6
    Notes From Underground

    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Foundation* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman*

  551. Willa Cather
    O Pioneers!_1

    • Ambrose Bierce

    'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge'_2
    originally published Jul. 1890 in the San Francisco Examiner; included in Tales of Soldiers and Civilians, 1891—English
    *Recommended* *Graphic*

    • William Wordsworth

    'Ode: Intimations of Immortality From Recollections of Early Childhood'_4
    originally entitled 'Ode', published in Poems, in Two Volumes, 1807; retitled and revised for inclusion in Poems, 1815; revised for inclusion in The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth, 1820—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

    John Keats
    • 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'_4

    originally anonymously published Jan. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
    *Recommended* *Trinity* *Telegraph* *Newman*

    • 'Ode to a Nightingale'_4

    originally published Jul. 1820 in Annals of the Fine Arts; included in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, 1820—English
    *Recommended* *Trinity* *Telegraph* *Newman*

    • Sappho

  552. 'Hymn to Aphrodite'_3
    lone complete poem among the fragments of the author's work; late Seventh-early Sixth centuries B C—Greek
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Great*

  553. Homer

  554. Odýsseia_36
    The Odyssey
    ca. Ninth-Eighth centuries B.C; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Robert Fitzgerald's English translation—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  555. Oidipous epi Kolōnō_20

  556. Oedipus at Colonus
    401 B C—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *World* *Newman*

  557. Oidipous Tyrannos_25

  558. Oedipus Rex; Oedipus the King
    ca. 429 B.C; Mallison ("Smart") specifies Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald's English translation—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *World* *Newman* *Educated*

  559. W Somerset Maugham

  560. Of Human Bondage_3
    *Powys* *Hundred* *Recommended*

  561. John Steinbeck

  562. Of Mice and Men_4
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Guardian*

  563. Kawabata Yasunari

  564. Koto_1
    The Old Capital


  565. Ernest Hemingway

  566. The Old Man and the Sea_8
    *Van Doren* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Newman*

  567. Charles Dickens

  568. Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy's Progress _9
    originally published under the pseudonym, Boz, serially Feb. 1837-April 1839 in Bentley's Miscellany—English
    *Classics* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Kanigel* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  569. John Stuart Mill

  570. On Liberty_16
    *Eliot* *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Great* *Taylor* *World*

  571. Titus Lucretius Carus

  572. De Rerum Natura_19
    On the Nature of Things
    First Century B.C—Latin

    *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Great* *Graphic* *Educated*

  573. Jack Kerouac

  574. On the Road_5
    published in part as 'The Mexican Girl', the Paris Review; 'Jazz of the Beat Generation', New World Writing; and 'A Billowy Trip in the World', New Dimensions; in its entirety, 1957; alternate version, 2007—English
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Guardian* *Graphic*

  575. T H White

  576. The Once and Future King_2
    published in five volumes, 1938-71—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended*

  577. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  578. Odîn den' Ivána Denîsoviča_4
    A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    originally published Nov. 1962 in Nóvyj Mîr—Russian

    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity*

  579. Ken Kesey
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest_5
    *Learning* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Deposit* *Graphic*

    • Stephan Crane

    'The Open Boat'_2
    originally published Jun. 1897 in Scribner's; included in The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, 1898—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

    • Saki

  580. 'The Open Window'_1
    originally published in the Westminster Gazette; part of Beasts and Super-Beasts, 1914—English

  581. Aeschylus

  582. Oresteia_19
    The House of Atreus
    458 B C—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Invitation* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Zane* *Newman*

  583. William Shakespeare

  584. Othello_14
    ca. 1604—English
    *Durant* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Norway* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  585. Thornton Wilder

  586. Our Town_5
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Educated*

  587. Isak Dinesen
    Out of Africa_2
    originally published under the author's given name, Karen Blixen, 1937; Danish version entitled Den Afrikanske Farm published the same year—English
    *Recommended* *Dirda*

    • Bret Harte

  588. 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat'_2
    originally published Jan. 1869 in Overland Monthly—English
    *Eliot* *Recommended*

  589. Colin Wilson
    The Outsider_1

    • Nikolai Gogol

    'The Overcoat'

    *Magill* *Recommended* *Foundation*

    • Percy Bysshe Shelley

  590. 'Ozymandias'_3
    originally published Jan. 1818 in the Examiner; included in Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; With Other Poems, 1818—English
    *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

  591. Vladimir Nabokov

  592. Pale Fire_8
    *List* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard*

  593. Katherine Anne Porter

  594. Pale Horse, Pale Rider_2
    *Recommended* *Bloom*

  595. Samuel Richardson

  596. Pamela: or, Virtue Rewarded_4
    1740; later revised—English
    *Classics* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

    John Milton
  597. Paradise Lost_27

  598. 1667; revised 1674—English
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Powys* *Invitation* *Classics* *Zulli* *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Reynolds* *World* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  599. Paradise Regained, a Poem, in IV Books, to Which Is Added Samson Agonistes_8

  600. 1671—English
    *Eliot* *Powys* *Classics* *Zulli* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Newman*

  601. E M Forster

  602. A Passage to India_8
    *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Zane* *Smart*

  603. William Carlos Williams
    published in five volumes: 1946, 1948, 1949, 1951, and 1958—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Newman*

    • Willa Cather

  604. 'Paul's Case'_1
    originally published 1905 in McClure's—English

  605. Pearl_2

  606. probably the same author as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (the "Pearl poet" or "Gawain poet"); late Fourteenth Century—English
    *Recommended* *Dirda*

  607. Henrik Ibsen

  608. Peer Gynt_6
    *Durant* *Classics* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  609. Blaise Pascal

    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Invitation* *Classics* *France* *Zulli* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Great* *O'Hear* *Reynolds*

    • J D Salinger

  610. 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish'_1
    originally Jan. 1948 published in the New Yorker; included in Nine Stories, 1953—English

  611. J M Barrie

  612. Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up_1

  613. Jean Racine

  614. Phèdre_11
    *Eliot* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Read* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *O'Hear* *Newman*

  615. Charles Dickens

  616. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club_14
    The Pickwick Papers
    originally published serially Apr. 1836-Nov. 1837 under the pseudonym, Boz—English

    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

  617. Oscar Wilde

  618. The Picture of Dorian Grey_5
    originally published Jul. 1890 in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine; revised and expanded 1891; alternate earlier version published 2011—English
    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Deposit* *Graphic*

  619. William Carlos Williams

  620. Pictures From Brueghel_3
    *Bloom* *Fadiman* *Recommended*

  621. John Bunyan
    The Pilgrim's Progress From This World to That Which Is to Come_18
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Invitation* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Great* *Newman* *Educated*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  622. 'The Pit and the Pendulum'_3
    originally published 1842 in The Gift: A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1843; revised for inclusion in the Broadway Journal, May 1845—English
    *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

  623. Albert Camus

  624. La Peste_8
    The Plague

    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell*

  625. John Millington Synge

  626. The Playboy of the Western World_5
    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity*

  627. Vladimir Nabokov

  628. Pnin_2
    *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  629. Aristotle

  630. Peri Poiêtikês_15
    De Poetica; Poetics
    Fourth Century B.C—Greek

    *Invitation* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Smart* *Educated*

  631. Emily Dickinson

  632. The Poems of Emily Dickinson_3
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Great*

  633. James Joyce

  634. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man_14
    originally published serially Feb. 1914-Sep. 1915, in the Egoist—English
    *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Zane* *Smart* *Deposit* *Newman*

  635. Fyodor Dostoevsky

  636. Besy_9
    Demons; The Devils; The Possessed

    *Powys* *Classics* *France* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway* *Zane* *Newman*

  637. James M Cain

  638. The Postman Always Rings Twice_1

  639. William James

  640. Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking_8
    *Read* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *World*

  641. Desiderius Erasmus

  642. Stultitiae Laus_10
    In Praise of Folly
    1511; later revised—Latin

    *Classics* *Downs* *Read* *Ward* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Dirda* *Reynolds*

  643. William Wordsworth

  644. The Prelude or, Growth of the Poet's Mind: An Autobiographical Poem_9
    1850; earlier versions written 1799 and 1805—English
    *Classics* *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Telegraph* *Newman*

  645. Jane Austen

  646. Pride and Prejudice_30
    originally anonymously published 1813—English
    *Eliot* *Powys* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Harvard* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  647. Muriel Spark

  648. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie_2
    *Recommended* *Zane*

  649. Niccolò Machiavelli

  650. Il Principe_29
    The Prince

    *Eliot* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Kanigel* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *World* *Deposit* *Educated*

  651. Mark Twain

  652. The Prince and the Pauper_2
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  653. Noël Coward

  654. Private Lives_1

  655. Aeschylus

  656. Promētheus Desmōtēs_12
    Prometheus Bound
    disputed authorship; Fifth Century B C—Greek

    *Lubbock* *Eliot* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Downs* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Newman*

  657. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    Prometheus Unbound_3
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

    • D H Lawrence

    'The Prussian Officer'_2
    included in The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, 1914—English
    *Adler* *Recommended*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  658. 'The Purloined Letter'_3
    originally published 1844 in the The Gift for 1845; included in Tales, 1845—English
    *Eliot* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  659. George Bernard Shaw

  660. Pygmalion_7
    *Powys* *Read* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity*

  661. Lorraine Hansberry

  662. A Raisin in the Sun_1

  663. Alexander Pope

  664. The Rape of the Lock_7
    originally anonymously published in Linot's Miscellany 1712; expanded 1714 and 1717—English
    *Lubbock* *Read* *Magill* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Great* *Newman*

  665. Samuel Johnson

  666. The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale_7
    The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia

    *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Smart*

  667. Daphne du Maurier

  668. Rebecca_5
    *Recommended* *Dirda* *Guardian* *Telegraph* *Deposit*

  669. Albert Camus

  670. L'Homme Révolté_2
    The Rebel

    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  671. Stendhal

  672. Le Rouge et le Noir, Chronique du XIXe Siècle_18
    The Red and the Black

    *Powys* *Classics* *France* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Newman* *Deposit*

  673. Stephen Crane

  674. The Red Badge of Courage_9
    published in part serially Dec. 1894 in the Philadelphia Press; in its entirety, 1895—English
    *Zulli* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Smart* *Campbell* *Newman* *Educated*

  675. John Steinbeck

  676. The Red Pony_1
    originally published in part serially 1933-36; in its entirety, 1937—English

  677. Marcel Proust

  678. À la Recherche du Temps Perdu_17
    In Search of Lost Time; In Remembrance of Things Past
    originally published in seven volumes, two of which originally published as two books each, 1913-27—French

    *Classics* *France* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Utne* *Norway* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Telegraph* *Newman*

  679. Ralph Waldo Emerson

  680. Representative Men: Seven Lectures_3
    *Read* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  681. Plato

  682. Politeia_24
    The Republic
    early Fourth Century B.C—Greek

    *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Learning* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *Reynolds* *World* *Deposit* *Educated*

  683. Thomas Hardy

  684. The Return of the Native_8
    originally published serially Jan.-Dec. 1878 in Belgravia, the Magazine of Fashion and Amusement—English
    *Powys* *Classics* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Newman* *Educated*

    William Shakespeare
  685. Richard II_9

  686. 1597—English
    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  687. Richard III_11

  688. ca. 1592-7—English
    *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Great* *Taylor* *World* *Newman* *Educated*

  689. Thomas Paine
    The Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution_7
    originally published in two volumes, 1791 and 1792—English
    *Invitation* *Hundred* *Ward* *Good* *Recommended* *Great* *Telegraph*

    • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  690. 'The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere'_7
    originally published in Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems, 1798; revised for inclusion in Sibylline Leaves, 1817—English
    *Baldwin* *Read* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman* *Graphic*

  691. Robert Browning
    The Ring and the Book_4
    published in four volumes, 1868-69—English
    *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

    • Washington Irving

  692. 'Rip Van Winkle'_4
    part of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., published serially Jun. 1819-Jul. 1820, expanded 1848
    *Eliot* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  693. William Dean Howells

  694. The Rise of Silas Lapham_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  695. Daniel Defoe
    The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner_21
    originally anonymously published 1719—English
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Classics* *Hundred* *France* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Dirda* *Great* *Zane* *Deposit* *Newman*

    • D H Lawrence

  696. 'The Rocking-Horse Winner'_2
    originally published Jul. 1926 in Harper's Bazaar; included in The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories, 1928—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  697. William Shakespeare
    Romeo and Juliet_13
    ca. 1591-97—English
    *Durant* *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Zane* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

    • William Faulkner

  698. 'A Rose for Emily'_2
    originally published Apr. 1930 in Forum—English
    *Adler* *Recommended*

  699. Tom Stoppard

  700. Rosencratz and Guildenstern Are Dead_2
    *Recommended* *Educated*

  701. Omar Khayyam
    The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam_8
    ca. Eleventh-Twelfth centuries; compiled by Edward FitzGerald in five editions, 1859, 1868, 1872, 1879, and 1889—Persian
    *Baldwin* *Durant* *Oriental* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great*

    • William Butler Yeats

  702. 'Sailing to Byzantium'_2
    part of October Blast, 1927; published Spring 1928 in the Exile; October Blast made part of The Tower, 1928—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended*

  703. George Bernard Shaw

  704. Saint Joan_8
    *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Educated*

  705. William Faulkner

  706. Sanctuary_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  707. Nathaniel Hawthorne

  708. The Scarlet Letter_21
    *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Classics* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

  709. Jack London

  710. The Sea-Wolf_1

  711. The Seafarer_1

  712. written ca. Tenth century—English

  713. Anton Chekhov
    The Seagull

    *Powys* *Classics* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Newman*

    • Joseph Conrad

  714. 'The Secret Sharer'_1
    originally published 1910 in Harper's; included in Twixt Land and Sea, 1912—English

  715. Saul Bellow

  716. Seize the Day_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Educated*

  717. Jane Austen

  718. Sense and Sensibility_4
    originally published under the pseudonym, A Lady, 1811—English
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Guardian* *Newman*

  719. Gustave Flaubert

  720. L'Éducation Sentimentale_8
    *Classics* *France* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Norway* *Newman*

  721. John Knowles

  722. A Separate Peace_2
    *Recommended* *Campbell*

  723. Isak Dinesen

  724. Seven Gothic Tales_4
    1934; Danish version entitled Syv Fantastiske Fortaellinger published 1935—English
    *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Dirda*

  725. Oliver Goldsmith

  726. She Stoops to Conquer_6
    *Eliot* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Educated*

  727. Katherine Anne Porter

  728. Ship of Fools_2
    *Recommended* *Zane*

  729. Sǿren Kierkegaard

  730. Sygdommen til Dǿden_2
    The Sickness Unto Death
    originally published under the pseudonym, Anti-Climacus, 1849—Danish

    *Magill* *Recommended*

  731. Herman Hesse
    *Recommended* *Trinity* *Graphic*

    • Vladimir Nabokov

  732. 'Signs and Symbols'_1
    originally entitled 'Symbols and Signs', published May 1958 in the New Yorker; retitled for inclusion in Nabokov's Dozen, 1948—French

  733. George Eliot

  734. Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe _6
    *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Newman*

  735. Mikhail Sholokhov
    Tihij Don_1
    originally published in four volumes: first-third (English title: And Quiet Flows the Don) serially 1928-32 in Oktâbr' (October); fourth (English title: The Don Flows Home to Sea) serially 1937-40 in Novyj Mir (The New World)—Russian

    • Gustave Flaubert

  736. 'Un Cœur Simple'_3
    part of Trois Contes, 1877—French
    *Bloom* *Foundation* *Recommended*

  737. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight_7

  738. probably the same author as Pearl (the "Gawain poet" or "Pearl poet"); late Fourteenth Century—English
    *Magill* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Great* *Newman* *Educated*

  739. Theodore Dreiser

  740. Sister Carrie_4
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Zane*

  741. Luigi Pirandello

  742. Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore_4
    Six Characters in Search of an Author

    *Ward* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  743. Kurt Vonnegut

  744. Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death_3
    *Recommended* *Zane* *Deposit*

  745. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  746. The Song of Hiawatha_2
    *Recommended* *Kanigel*

  747. William Blake

  748. Songs of Innocence and Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul_11
    published in part, 1789, as Songs of Innocence; in its entirety, 1794—English
    *Classics* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Educated*

  749. William Shakespeare

  750. Sonnets_8
    1609; two sonnets originally published in The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599—English
    *Classics* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Adler* *Recommended* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Educated*

  751. Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  752. Sonnets From the Portuguese_2
    *Magill* *Recommended*

  753. Rainer Maria Rilke

  754. Die Sonette an Orpheus_4
    The Sonnets to Orpheus

    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  755. D H Lawrence

  756. Sons and Lovers_9
    *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Newman*

  757. William Styron

  758. Sophie's Choice_2
    *Recommended* *Deposit*

  759. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  760. Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers_7
    The Sorrows of Young Werther
    1774; revised 1787—German

    *Eliot* *Zulli* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Taylor* *Newman*

  761. John Barth

  762. The Sot-Weed Factor_3
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  763. William Faulkner

  764. The Sound and the Fury_13
    *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic*

  765. Thomas Kyd

  766. The Spanish Tragedy, or Hieronimo Is Mad Again_2
    ca. 1587—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

  767. Mishima Yukio

  768. Haru no Yuki_3
    Spring Snow

    *Ward* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  769. Herman Hesse

  770. Der Steppenwolf_4
    *Recommended* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Graphic*

  771. Eugene O'Neill

  772. Strange Interlude_1

  773. Albert Camus

  774. L'Étranger_14
    The Stranger

    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Harvard* *Graphic* *Deposit* *Educated*

  775. Tennessee Williams

  776. A Streetcar Named Desire_5
    *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Educated*

  777. Thomas Aquinas

  778. Summa Theologiae_13
    Summa Theologica
    written 1265-74—Latin

    *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Great* *Reynolds* *World*

  779. Ernest Hemingway
    The Sun Also Rises_7
    *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Zane* *Deposit* *Newman*

    • John Cheever

  780. 'The Swimmer'_1
    originally published Jul. 1864 in the New Yorker; included in The Brigadier and the Golf Widow, 1964—English

  781. Charles Dickens

  782. A Tale of Two Cities_8
    originally published serially Apr.-Nov. 1859 in All the Year Round—English
    *Classics* *Baldwin* *Zulli* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Guardian* *Newman* *Graphic*

  783. Christopher Marlowe

  784. Tamburlaine the Great_7
    *Baldwin* *Classics* *Ward* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Great* *Newman*

  785. William Shakespeare

  786. The Taming of the Shrew_9
    ca. 1592-94—English
    *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  787. Lăozĭ (Lao-tzu) (Laocius)

  788. Dàodéjĭng_11
    Tao te Ching
    ca. Sixth Century B.C—Chinese

    *Rexroth* *Ward* *Oriental* *Good* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Utne* *Dirda* *Great* *World* *Graphic*

  789. Molière
    Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur_15
    *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Great* *Newman* *Educated*

    • Edgar Allan Poe

  790. 'The Tell-Tale Heart'_3
    originally published Jan. 1843 in the Pioneer; revised for inclusion in the Broadway Journal, Aug. 1845—English
    *Recommended* *Newman* *Graphic*

  791. William Shakespeare

  792. The Tempest_20
    *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *O'Hear* *Zane* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  793. John Reed

  794. Ten Days That Shook the World_2
    *Recommended* *Kanigel*

  795. F Scott Fitzgerald

  796. Tender Is the Night_6
    originally published serially Jan.-Apr. 1934 in Scribner's Magazine—English
    *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Zane* *Deposit* *Newman*

  797. Thomas Hardy

  798. Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented_14
    published in part serially Jul.-Dec. 1891 in the Graphic—English
    *Powys* *Hundred* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Deposit*

  799. Anton Chekhov

  800. Tri Sestry_8
    Three Sisters

    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Dirda* *Newman*

  801. Lewis Carroll

  802. Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There_10
    *Powys* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Harvard* *Deposit* *Graphic*

  803. Friedrich Nietzsche

  804. Also Sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen_15
    Thus Spake Zarathustra
    originally published in four volumes, 1883-85—German

    *Powys* *Durant* *Hundred* *France* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *SeymourSmith* *Great* *World* *Graphic*

  805. H G Wells

  806. The Time Machine_5
    *Rexroth* *Magill* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Telegraph*

  807. Günter Grass

  808. Die Blechtrommel_6
    The Tin Drum

    *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Norway* *Zane*

  809. Harper Lee

  810. To Kill a Mockingbird_5
    *Recommended* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard*

  811. Virginia Woolf

  812. To the Lighthouse_12
    1927 —English
    *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Zane* *Smart* *Harvard* *Newman* *Graphic*

  813. Henry Fielding

  814. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling_19
    *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Durant* *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman*

  815. Robert Louis Stevenson

  816. Treasure Island_5
    originally entitled Treasure Island or, The Mutiny of the Hispaniola, published serially 1891-92 in Young Folks under the pseudonym, Captain George North—English
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Campbell* *Telegraph*

    Franz Kafka
  817. Der Prozess_16

  818. The Trial

    *France* *Read* *List* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Norway* *Great* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman* *Educated*

  819. Laurence Sterne

  820. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman_14
    originally published in nine volumes, 1759-67—English
    *Powys* *Durant* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Zane* *Smart* *Newman*

  821. Euripides

  822. Trōiades _8
    The Trojan Woman
    415 B.C—Greek

    *Classics* *Downs* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  823. Henry Miller

  824. Tropic of Capricorn_1

  825. Henry James

  826. The Turn of the Screw_9
    originally published in The Two Magics, with a second novella, Covering End, 1898—English
    *Invitation* *Classics* *Hundred* *Magill* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Newman*

  827. William Shakespeare

  828. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will_10
    *Classics* *Ward* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Campbell* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  829. Jules Verne

  830. Vingt Mille Lieues Souls les Mers_5
    Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

    *Magill* *Learning* *Recommended* *Dirda* *Telegraph*

  831. Richard Henry Dana, Jr.

  832. Two Years Before the Mast_3
    1840; revised and expanded 1869—English
    *Eliot* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  833. James Joyce

  834. Ulysses_20
    published in part serially Mar. 1918-Dec. 1920 in the Little Review; in its entirety, 1922—English
    *Classics* *France* *Read* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Smart* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Graphic*

  835. Harriet Beecher Stowe

  836. Uncle Tom's Cabin_6
    *Downs* *Rexroth* *Recommended* *Smart* *Taylor* *Educated*

  837. Anton Chekhov

  838. Dâdâ Vanâ_10
    Uncle Vanya

    *Classics* *Ward* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Foundation* *Dirda* *Great* *Newman*

  839. Dylan Thomas

  840. Under Milk Wood_1

  841. Malcolm Lowry

  842. Under the Volcano_2
    *Bloom* *Recommended*

    John Dos Passos
  843. The 42nd Parallel_3

  844. 1930—English
    *Hundred* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  845. 1919_3

  846. 1932—English
    *Hundred* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  847. The Big Money_3

  848. 1936—English
    *Hundred* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  849. Thomas More
    Libellus Uere Aureus, nec Minus Salutaris Quam Festivus, de Optimo rei Publicae Statu Deque Nova Insula Utopia_14

    *Eliot* *Classics* *Downs* *Rexroth* *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Trinity* *Dirda* *Great* *Educated*

    • John Donne

  850. 'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning'_3
    written ca. 1611-12; part of Poems With Elegies on the Authors Death [1633]—English
    *Van Doren* *Recommended* *Trinity*

  851. William Makepeace Thackeray

  852. Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero_18
    originally published serially Jan. 1847-Jul. 1848—English
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Eliot* *Durant* *Classics* *Zulli* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Guardian* *Zane* *Smart* *Telegraph* *Newman*

  853. Oliver Goldsmith

  854. The Vicar of Wakefield_6
    *Lubbock* *Baldwin* *Ward* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman*

  855. Mary Wollstonecraft

  856. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman_8
    *Durant* *Downs* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Great* *GlobeMail* *Graphic* *Educated*

  857. Ben Jonson

  858. Volpone_6
    *Classics* *Rexroth* *Ward* *Magill* *Recommended* *Newman*

  859. Samuel Beckett

  860. En Attendant Godot_13
    Waiting for Godot

    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Trinity* *Campbell* *Great* *GlobeMail* *Graphic* *Educated*

  861. Henry David Thoreau
    Walden; or, Life in the Woods_20
    *Durant* *Classics* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Read* *Ward* *Magill* *Good* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Utne* *Campbell* *Great* *Smart* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic* *Educated*

    • Jean-Paul Sartre

  862. 'Le Mur'_1
    'The Wall'
    part of Le Mur, 1939—French


  863. The Wanderer_2

  864. written ca. Fifth-Tenth centuries—English
    *Recommended* *Newman*

  865. John Cheever

  866. The Wapshot Chronicle_1

  867. Leo Tolstoy

  868. Voyna i Mir"_25
    War and Peace
    originally entitled 1805, published in part, 1865 and 1867; retitled and published in its entirety, 1869—Russian

    *Durant* *Invitation* *Hundred* *France* *Rexroth* *Read* *List* *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Norway* *Guardian* *Zane* *GlobeMail* *Taylor* *Telegraph* *World* *Newman*

  869. H G Wells

  870. The War of the Worlds_4
    originally published serially 1897 in Pearson's Magazine—English
    *Rexroth* *Learning* *Recommended* *Dirda*

  871. Henry James
    Washington Square_3
    originally published serially 1880 in Cornhill Magazine and Harper's New Monthly Magazine—English
    *Ward* *Recommended* *Smart*

    • T S Eliot

  872. 'The Waste Land'_11
    originally published Oct. 1922 in the Criterion—English
    *Ward* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Great* *Telegraph* *Newman* *Graphic*

  873. Virginia Woolf

  874. The Waves_5
    *Magill* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

  875. Samuel Butler

  876. The Way of All Flesh_5
    1903; written 1873-74—English
    *Classics* *Hundred* *Zulli* *Bloom* *Recommended*

  877. William Congreve

  878. The Way of the World_6
    *Read* *Van Doren* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Newman* *Educated*

  879. Robertson Davies

  880. What's Bred in the Bone_2
    *Recommended* *Fadiman*

  881. Edward Albee

  882. Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf?_2
    *List* *Recommended*

  883. William Butler Yeats

  884. The Wild Swans at Coole_2
    originally entitled The Wild Swans at Coole, Other Verses and a Play in Verse, published 1917; includes the play, At the Hawk's Well; retitled and expanded 1919 to include Nine Poems [1918] and additional poems; At the Hawk's Well later included in Four Plays for Dancers, 1921—English
    *Recommended* *Great*

  885. Kenneth Grahame

  886. The Wind in the Willows_3
    *Recommended* *Guardian* *Telegraph*

  887. Sherwood Anderson

  888. Winesburg, Ohio: A Group of Tales of Ohio Small-Town Life_5
    1919; twenty-two stories, ten of which originally published in periodicals: 'The Book of the Grotesque', Feb. 1916 in Masses; 'Hands', Mar. 1916 in Masses; 'Paper Pills' (originally entitled 'The Philosopher'), Jun.-Jul. 1916 in the Little Review, ; 'The Strength of God', Aug. 1916 in Masses; 'Queer', Dec. 1916 in Seven Arts; 'The Untold Lie', Jan. 17 in Seven Arts; 'Mother', Mar. 1917 in Seven Arts; 'The Thinker', Sep. 1917 in Seven Arts; 'The Man of Ideas', Jun. 1918 in the Little Review; 'An Awakening', Dec. 1918 in the Little Review—English
    *Hundred* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Zane*

  889. William Shakespeare

  890. The Winter's Tale_10
    ca. 1611—English
    *Classics* *Van Doren* *Magill* *Adler* *Recommended* *SeymourSmith* *Trinity* *Taylor* *World* *Newman*

  891. Abe Kobo

  892. Suna no Onna_3
    The Woman in the Dunes

    *Ward* *Recommended* *Zane*

  893. D H Lawrence

  894. Women in Love_5
    *Good* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Newman*

  895. Emily Brontë
    Wuthering Heights_17
    originally published 1847 under the pseudonym, Ellis Bell; revised 1850—English
    *Powys* *Hundred* *France* *Zulli* *Ward* *Magill* *Learning* *Bloom* *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Kanigel* *Norway* *Guardian* *Zane* *Deposit* *Newman* *Graphic*

    • Isaac Bashevis Singer

  896. 'Yentl, the Yeshiva Boy'_1

  897. Thomas Wolfe

  898. You Can't Go Home Again_1

  899. Nikos Kazantzakis

  900. Zorba the Greek_3
    *Recommended* *Fadiman* *Norway*